July 28 2024: This site is now analytics free! Alexa play Lady by Modjo


Salutations! Internet.

Hang around, make yourself busy!

We've got:

The Blog

Fancy dumpster of train of thoughts reside here.

(Updated: twenteth of augusteth)


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Alpha Stage. It's yet another blog, but with an unsurprising charm.

...Stats for SA?
This sidebar, some code and "updated" logo by
animated 88x31 of lu.tiny-universes.net with the Text LULU
My Mood:
The current mood of Arezalgamer89 at www.imood.com

Hey, here's my SimilarMinds.com test.

My computer geek score is greater than 100% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Best Viewed with Any DAMN BROWSER NeoCities

The banners below are not endorsements nor sponsors. They are just my other works in the form of satirically drawn sponsored advertisements ;)
This site does not have a great schedule, and is always under construction. Consider it a rolling release website. Best enjoyed with comic sans :)

Of course, I love getting emails from you! My inbox is really dry so tell me how did you find this place

For my pals (if you consider me one) of privacy, you might dislike Google. Great news! I have a paranoid side too!

Email (slightly faster response): aradytfa@gmail.com | Encrypt with GPG, fingerprint: 54 DE AF 79 41 E3 DA 69 82 21 8F E5 A3 6D 00 FC 8A 18 CB B1

Email (slightly higher respect towards you): arezg@cock.li | Encrypt with GPG, fingerprint: 97 7E AC BA 7A 79 03 8B 00 81 85 EF 97 0F F2 78 97 77 0D 2C

This is the only authentic way to grab my keys, do not import from keyservers. always verify my fingerprint by asking me directly
Promotional image for Castle GAFA 3D Promotional image for SRA's organization on GitHub Promotional image for PyKern Promotional image for Gitfoga
`.:/ossyyyysso/:. arezg@razel .:oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyo:` ----------- -oyyyyyyyodMMyyyyyyyysyyyyo- OS: Kubuntu 24.04 LTS x86_64 -syyyyyyyyyydMMyoyyyydmMMyyyyys- Host: 20238 Lenovo G510 oyyysdMysyyyydMMMMMMMMMMMMMyyyyyyyo Kernel: 6.8.0-31-generic `oyyyydMMMMysyysoooooodMMMMyyyyyyyyyo` Shell: bash 5.2.21 oyyyyyydMMMMyyyyyyyyyyyysdMMysssssyyyo Resolution: 1366x768 -yyyyyyyydMysyyyyyyyyyyyyyysdMMMMMysyyy- DE: Plasma 5.27.11 oyyyysoodMyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydMMMMysyyyo WM: KWin yyysdMMMMMyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysosyyyyyyyy Terminal: konsole yyysdMMMMMyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy CPU: Intel i5-4200M (4) @ 1.240GHz oyyyyysosdyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydMMMMysyyyo GPU: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor -yyyyyyyydMysyyyyyyyyyyyyyysdMMMMMysyyy- Memory: 5836MiB oyyyyyydMMMysyyyyyyyyyyysdMMyoyyyoyyyo `oyyyydMMMysyyyoooooodMMMMyoyyyyyyyyo oyyysyyoyyyysdMMMMMMMMMMMyyyyyyyyo -syyyyyyyyydMMMysyyydMMMysyyyys- -oyyyyyyydMMyyyyyyysosyyyyo- ./oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyo/. `.:/oosyyyysso/:.`