Stop using keyservers! ================ Keyservers are, well, what they're named; Keyservers. Keyservers allow you to post your GPG keys in order to make it easy to find your buddies GPG keys and communicate with them safely. Here are some reasons I dislike keyservers ================ * Your key stays on a keyserver, good luck trying to take it off. A revocation certificate is not sufficient. There is no delete keys. If you post a wrong key, you're done for * It's a cesspool for impersonators. You may never find out if the key you imported was the real one. | |-> * Knowing this, if you search for RMS's key ( on a keyserver, you'll find dozens of keys. * Email clients do try to get comfortable with keyservers but it is not inituitive enough. * The best way to obtain a GPG public key is to communicate directly with that person (either online or offline) using something other than e-mail and have them verify the fingerprint. ================ sincerely, arezg@razel Permitted under the MIT license August 11, 2024