The Ubuntu KPropoganda (Migrate from Ubuntu to Kubuntu)

I’ve written this for myself because I am absolutely sweating at deciding to keep GNOME or make the switch to KDE.

GNOME looks nice, but KDE is more versatile. But KDE is more prone to errors are looks more squarey, but GNOME is not customizable. Both have great wallpapers blah blah blah. Also I really do not wish to reinstall all of them packages


METHOD 1: Keep Installation and absolutely blow the software

sudo apt autoremove gdm3 lightdm gnome-shell-extension-tool ubuntu-gnome-desktop gnome-shell && sudo apt install plasma* sddm kde* qml-module-org-kde* libkf5kdelibs4support* libkf5libkdepim* software-properties-kde xdg-desktop-portal-kde libkde* konsole


METHOD 2: Preserve /home, hop the distros

1. back up /home

2. verify the backup is good

3. make a list of every app you now have with find /usr/share/applications -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec basename {} .desktop \; | sort > ~/Desktop/applications.txt

4. decide if you want to keep each of them or replace them with the KDE version

5. edit the list of apps ~/Desktop/applications.txt to remove those you don't want and save that list so you can use it later

6. install Kubuntu directly, overwriting Ubuntu

7. pour your data from /home back into the newly installed Kubuntu, leaving out the configurations you no longer need, so you can keep your browser settings and data

8. reinstall the apps you decided to keep using sudo apt install < applications.txt

METHOD 3: Blow everything up, install Arch Linux

Everyone will say Method 3, I’ve used Arch and it is a long story to explain why it is not fit for me, same goes for Gentoo and LFS.

METHOD 4: Install Debian &/ Linux Mint

This is a really good approach, Snap free and more friendly. Both of them. More than slightly less support because everyone develops for Ubuntu. Probably not using this

Constructed by arezg