Here is a mighty incomplete list of linux distros that i know

deb stuff

debian Debian is one of the most stable shit I have ever seen in my life, Their stablity is provided by the age of the packages being over-ancient. APT is easy to use and recommended for intermidate.
ubuntu Ubuntu is the most popular distro out there, Its user interface is comfy, Their wallpapers are cutesy and it's very beginner-friendly. (That is if you take away the snap stuff...)
mint An Ubuntu fork without the bureaucratic issues that Ubuntu brings to the table. Cleaner in theme and simplicity. I would recommend this over Ubuntu if Debian is not your speed. The Mint team does have a spin base on Debian though I would stick with their default due to the simplicity it provides. Recommended for beginners.
kali Debian Fork for the masterhaxx0r Kali Linux. Mega-charged with Pentesting Tools and Offensive Security shoombala
elementary Super-polished ubuntu fork using Pantheon as its WM. If you need an ubuntu spin and prefer appearence over features, and want that Apple Finder feel. Elementary OS is YOUR choice.
tails Secure LIVE operating system booting from your USB. What makes it secure is well, Secure Etiquette and literally traffics everything through Tor first.