My love letter to APIs.

Alright, if I needed to encapsulate this entire essay on a single video, it would be tom scott's most famous video (This video has X views)

APIs are just simply awesome, that's all I can say for the intro.

Onto the essay.

Table of Contents
  1. Convenience
  2. Cleverence


What are APIs, they stand for Awesome Programming Interface. APIs are a small-or-big feature of a service, site or company to provide you info and let you create and invent using those info they can give you. How this works is very super simple

User: greetings useful website. I need to grab a handful of information! that info being the Y subcategory from the X section, here is my evidence that i have the authority to do that and here's how you'll respond to me. API: Hello, your information seems to be valid, Here is a 200 OK code signifying that your request went okay and here is the stuff you wanted, see you!