1. Porting Exercise

Yeah, i'm porting my zoomer complaint in here. to test wg and its quoting. let's go

This is a considerably old writing, try not to view this as the current me.

visit The Blog's original writing (complaint on zoomers) for the warnings and actual design.

2. Zoomers and their HTML compilers

2.1. Prologue

This is a rant to shame how stupid the world is getting, We're relating more to boomers than we used to hate them, Maybe we are becoming them.

Anyhow zoomers are more stupid than us. They support the SJW. they hate abortion, they hate men; They love everything you have in your nightmare.

2.2. The downfall of Twitter

> no its been always like this arzrerleal

I loved twitter. I LOVED IT. My dream twitter was that I share actual good tweets instead of aha ok mm i masturbated to andrew tate if u no love him you fucka boinga

Every day I spend times altering the twitter algorithm in hopes to see markiplier and youtube tweets instead of

> perra caliente chica desnuda filtrada 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

> andrew tate got arrested >:( WE WILL PAY BACK #FREETATE #IWANTRIGHTS

> trans people are morons like ughh i can't believe it fuck it woman are stupid in general

> I made dream r34 episode 9 (uwuwuwu this is special george-flavoured version cuz dream facwe rewewal!!! uwu uwu) i hope you will like it ☺

I definitely hope I wouldn't need to move to Mastodon as decentralization is just annoying because you have to pick a server you make your account but then all of your friends are somewhere else

2.3. Fucking TikTok

This shit is like, worse than cancer.

I'd literally PAY to have myself off chinese spyware and go back to american spyware (not really) instead

What the hell this shit!? This damn single .apk has made me lose faith in 2.9B+ people. If your goverment bans TikTok, That's cool. If you haven't installed it yet, DON'T INSTALL, THAT'S JUST CALLED A RELAPSE AND A 2ND-DEGREE MENTAL SUICIDE.

This app brainwashes you, or if it fails to do so, It goes its backup plan of showing you disgusting stuff.

This is what the internet has become, It should alert the bells if you go back to nostalgic stuff that the internet has went from superly creative art to edgy stuff that i'm not linking

2.4. Neopronouns

> Holy hell...

The original complain is my tierlist but I will recomplain here just for the sake of few kilobytes on your ISP.

Neopronouns are weird identifications that (most likely, i think) sparked somewhere on Twitter unfortunately. On god whoever you are that created neopronouns, I will instantly rapidly approach your location with hostile intents

How a neopronoun works is that you just pick some words and slap it in yourself as your pronouns. something like fuck/you or quandagale/quandagaleself.

> No, Things like xe/xem or pe/poo are not neopronouns they are just normal custom pronouns

> I still think only He/Him (my personal fav), She/Her (my personal fav) and They/Them are the good ones

One problem with neopronouns is that it's basically socially unacceptable. So unless you live in a basement eternally or everyone you meet IRL has visited your link to your pronouns.page; They are just gonna laugh until they die when you tell them

> Um, excuse me? I go by demon/demonself... Have some respect

2.5. Social Justice Warriors?

Yeah that still exists, And they are more angry than ever.

SJWs are stupid faggots that support banning abortion, they support banning modern warfare 2 "No Russian", They support prosecution for saying the N-word.

Most of these shitheads are the reason why the internet just sucks

70% (self-calculation) of these faggots are females leading the femenis- OR EVEN WORSE! they are the leading TERFs. (TERF = cisgender femenism, exclusion of trans women.)

> One of the ways of eliminating an SJW is to send them to middle schools. Profit.

2.6. Programming is cancer

Probably the biggest L move made by zoomer programmers

Zoomers made programming so complicated, a beginner-in-interest will abandon programming forever. They might have missed their opportunity to become rich and the fucking faggots with a discord profile designed like

>>> Profile with Discord nitro and a gigachad-themed name, A link to their dribbble account and a status like "You don't need women, you need MY PRODUCT TO GET RICH AND ATTRACT WOMEN."

> Even then zoomer's with the help of traitor Gen Z create useless CSS frameworks just for bloat boastfulness. They make fucking HTML Compilers and only limit the platform to linux to Look Cool and Make this year the year of the Linux Desktop

Wrong bitch.

What we had was back a file on Visual Studio Code / Notepad named index.html

We coded this thing called raw HTML where you wrote content rich text and it rendered on the screen, When we wanted style and graphics we just made an "style" tag and we customized anything we wanted.

> b-bbut where compiler?

Compiler? No, The web browser WAS THE COMPILER! How do you see this page right now? With a web browser right? That's the compiled version. It doesn't even need to be compiled it's just plain text with customization!

We can't let people think HTML is a programming language...

2.7. Immoral Softedness

>oh why would i pirate it, its morally wrong, i would rather play 10$ monthly

This infuraties me alot. People in Iran pirate nearly every movie even for dubbing it. Things are sanctioned here and even if i wanted to, I wouldn't be able to. If you don't want to pirate, That's okay. But banning piracy!? The product already makes 90B+ $$$ off the box office, so why would it matter if you wouldn't play!




3. Credits

+ arezg - writing the rant, original CSS and porting to AltNocturnal

+ michishoe - for the original reddit rant and permission and inventing webgen

made with webgen <3 on Mon Aug 5 16:51:12 +0330 2024