1. Webgen Manual

yeah, the manual for the compiler of the blog you're reading right now.

New versions of webgen supply the manpage by default so you can just pull a man webgen

lang: mandoc

webgen(1) General Commands Manual webgen(1) NAME webgen – world's shittiest html compiler SYPNOSIS webgen [file...] DESCRIPTION webgen has a dot-prefix syntax that is compiled to HTML so you can focus more on writing your content and worry less about having a standardized design for your blogs. SYNTAX .title [title] Defines the title of the website .s, .sec [section] Defines a section .ss, .ssec [subsection] Defines a subsection .h, .head [subheading] Defines a subheading .p [paragraph] Defines a paragraph .noparse Excludes the content from parsing (Useful for embedding HTML codeblocks) After this line, include your code, and after the code, close the tag with .end .style [light|dark|*.css] Defines the website style. This can be light, dark or your own custom css file. .code [language] Defines a code block with syntax highlighting After this line, include your code, and after the code, close the tag with .end .link [hyperlink] [text] Defines a hyperlink .img [image] Inserts an image .quote Starts a quote You can also specify .quote greentext to deploy a 4chan-esque quote. After this line, include your quote, and after the quote, close the tag with .endquote CLOSING TAGS Most tags here do not require a closing tag because you'll write usually next to them This, however, isn't true for .noparse, .code and .quote tags. In order to close them, use .end, .end and .endquote respectively This was because Kenziewebm was too stupid to figure out another way EXAMPLES Here's a basic WG file: .title My Website .s Introduction .p Welcome to my website! .ssec About .p This website was created using webgen. .code bash #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Hello, World!" [There's supposed to be an dot end tag here but I removed it because it breaks the site itself] You are encouraged to look at the examples directory in webgen's source. LICENSE fuck hoes AUTHORS Webgen is written and maintained by kenziewebm . This manual page is written by arezg kenziewebm August 11, 2024 kenziewebm

made with webgen <3 on Mon Aug 12 00:02:16 +0330 2024