I've asked everyone about Vim or Emacs, this is their opinion. We'll see which one outdoes the other, GNU Nano is not in the competition but I predict a lot of people using it. I personally like all of these so I will not include myself Users have been told that they can appear as anonymous. Please mail to arezg@cock.li to participate, include the name of one of these editors and explicitly mention if you want your name or not. [!] This will be updated time-to-time - Vim: 6.5 * breadtard * deathxknight from TLH * hanouzz from TLH * swift from TLH * green bean from TLH **^ (0.5) Giuk (He uses nano but prefers to learn vim) - GNU Emacs: 1 * Anonymous from PCMR - GNU Nano: 4 * Luna * EPICZEE * Giuk (He prefers to learn vim though) * Wooper Trooper (sudo_apt)